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Yoga for Healing Trauma & Chronic Stress
Insight Counseling & Wellness

A great many of us are experiencing increased levels of stress, anxiety, frustration and overwhelm.  As we continue to navigate our way through an ever changing and unpredictable world, it is vitally important that we find ways to care for ourselves.

Yoga for Trauma Healing provides a safe and supportive space in which individuals can explore how yoga poses, breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation can help the mind and body heal from the effects of trauma.  Through the use of technology, we will be able to gather confidentially to share this practice from the safety of our own spaces.



Learn skills to:

• Reduce symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress.
• Reconnect with the body and rebuild a sense of safety.
• Develop and enhance the body’s ability to regulate itself.
• Increase capacity for healing.


This gentle, all levels class requires no prior yoga experience and will accommodate all levels of abilities.  You may want to have a mat, blanket, bolster, pillow or anything else that will make you comfortable.

Dates: TBD

Time: TBD

Instructor: Nikki Cook

Cost: TBD



Yoga For Healing-Online

Nikki Cook Yoga

Please contact Nikki for registration information below.

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